How to Grow Herbs in Your Kitchen: DIY Herb Planter


Contrary to popular opinion, you can grow herbs all year round, even without a garden or a free windowsill! A kitchen counter will do… We’re here to show you how to make a glass jar herb planter that can sit on your work surface, taking up next to no space! Fresh and fragrant, herbs are just the thing to have on hand to add the finishing touch to all your recipes. Not only that, but they’re a great way to get that green thumb feeling and to add a little flourish to your kitchen decor. So read on, get ready for an afternoon of DIY and, thanks to our easy-to-make planter, enjoy fresh herbs at your fingertips forevermore!

What you’ll need:


• 1 wooden board

• Newspaper

• 3 glass jars

• 3 hose clamps

• 1 piece of chalk

• 1 paint brush

• Wood screws

• Potting soil

• Clay pebbles

• White acrylic paint (whitewash)

• Black chalkboard paint

• 1 electric drill/screwdriver 

• 1 metal drill bit (diameter approx. 2 or 3 mm)

• 3 pots of herbs of your choice 
1. Protect your work surface with newspaper, then lay the wooden board on top of the newspaper and coat it with one layer of white acrylic paint. 
2. Once the paint has dried, place the 3 jars inside the hose clamps, and position them on the board, making sure to spread them out evenly. With a pencil, mark where you plan to fix each jar. 
3. Pierce a hole in each of the 3 hose clamps using the metal drill bit. 
4. Following your markings, attach the 3 clamps to the wooden board using the wood screws. 
5. Insert the jars into the hose clamps. 
6. Add a small brush of black chalkboard paint under each jar to later label your herbs. 
7. Remove the jars from the hose clamps to start planting your herbs. In each jar, place a layer of clay pebbles at the bottom, add some potting soil, and then pop in your plant on top. 
8. Write the name of each herb with a piece of chalk. 
And that's a wrap! Now all that's left to do is to lean your creation against a wall, in an area that gets a good amount of sunlight.

Top tips for growing herbs in your kitchen

We suggest choosing herbs that are easy to grow indoors, such as chives, parsley, mint or certain varieties of thyme. While they won’t require too much maintenance, regular watering is key. Top tip: you’ll know your herbs need watering when the soil on their surface dries out. In order to avoid rotting roots or bulbs, it’s important to place an absorbent material at the bottom of the pot – that’s why we’ve suggested using clay pebbles. Last but not least, your herbs will feel most at home in a relatively sunny spot, but not one that has direct exposure to sunlight. 
There you have it – you’re all set for growing herbs indoors! If you’re lucky enough to have a garden too, and are bold enough to brave the wet and windy outdoors, why not read our rundown of winter gardening tips too?

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